Monday, April 14, 2014

The Middle Ground of Motherhood - The Beginning

I'm just another mama trying to do the best for my babies.  I have two sons who right now are 3 years and 7 months.   I consider myself someone who tries to be informed and well read; who digs into both sides of topics.  I know that not every decision I make is right for any other mother and vice versa.  I also know I am going to make mistakes, I will have to learn from them, forgive myself, and keep going.

There are many differences between us; some grew babies in our bellies some in their hearts (adoption), C-section/vaginal, pain relief/natural, breastfeed/formula, co-sleep or not, circumcise or not, vaccinate or not, religious or not, working/SAHM, coupon cutter/name brand shopper, home schooled or not, homeopathic vs Western medicine, food preferences--organic, paleo, clean, gluten free, allergies, ALL or NONE of the above...  The list goes on.  We all have things we are passionate about and things we have little knowledge or interest in.  We will not ALL agree on topics sometimes posted, but I think we can converse and advise each other in a supportive, helpful, and embracing way even if we don't always agree.  We cannot be upset if other mothers bond over something we haven't experienced or express a view that is opposite our own...  Motherhood is not a competition or a race-it's a gift and a personal challenge.  “In some ways we are different, but in so many ways, we are the same.”  -Daniel Tiger

I think I am pretty much "The Middle Ground of Motherhood".  I am a 2 C-sections, breastfeeding, sometimes co-sleeping SAHM of circumcised & vaccinated boys, who is conservative & spiritually religious with no affiliation. An old-fashioned libertarian who loathes spending money so I cut coupons/buy 2nd hand, and plan to home school my boys when time comes.  I believe there is a huge amount of merit in the clean eating movement; trying to rid our daily lives of the overabundance of chemicals in EVERYTHING we buy.  Do I buy all organic farm fresh produce, dairy, and meat and NO JUNK?  Not always, but I make conscious decision of calculated risk; some things are worth the risk while others are not.  I do my best to keep up on news articles/scientific studies but I also don't get lost in the alarmist movement that has swept our nation with many issues--most of which affect our children so they are very heated.  We can't let those fears keep us from enjoying life; otherwise WHAT'S THE POINT, right?
We ALL have one passion that is unwavering that we are dedicated to-our children!  I want a place more private on FB land that MOTHERS could share ideas that ranged all topics above and then some; recipes, toy reviews, money saving tips, discipline ideas, learning tools, events in the area, pictures of our children, our frustrations, our time saving tips and tricks to benefit each other without the sometimes snarky or patronizing comments of male FB friends or those without children-a sounding board of mothers to support and offer help without judgment--a middle ground.  Please join me at

With 2 children at such labor intensive ages I don't know if I will have the time to maintain a FB page and private group, a blog, my home and my sanity; but hope to do some entries as time allows! We are each on our own journey, but finding comfort and solace in another who has traveled in our shoes empowers us all to be better mothers.  I once read, "Learn from other people's mistakes; you will never live long enough to make them all yourself."

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